2025 Day Trips

Cedar Springs Ski Club Inc. operates chartered day trips to resorts and clubs in southern Ontario and northern New York State, following all applicable government recommended protocols to protect the health and wellness of our members.

Buses are scheduled for mid-week and weekend day trips, to a variety of locations. Please refer below to our day trip schedule, policies and procedures for the upcoming ski season.

Bus Costs:

Adult Member  (18 & over) $30 Child/Youth Member (ages 6-17) $10
Adult Guest  (18 & over) $45 Child/Youth Guest (ages 6-17) $20

Age 5 & under are always free. Guests pay member price on Guest Appreciation day.  

Lift Ticket Costs:
Lift ticket prices and group rate reductions vary from resort to resort and by day of the week.
Costs will be posted on the website when trips become available, and open for registration.
All prices are in Canadian dollars paid online by Credit Card at the time of booking.

Members can register guests. The number of guests per member is unrestricted however we ask that once a guest “tries out our club twice” they’ll need to become members to continue enjoying the benefits of the club.

2025 Day Trip Schedule

Day trip schedule is subject to change at any time to offer our members the best club skiing opportunities.

Destination Date Departure Time
1 Holiday Valley, USA – Everyone is a Member Day Sat., Jan. 4  9:00 AM 7:00 PM
2 Holimont, USA – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Jan. 8  7:00 AM 4:30 PM
3 Holiday Valley, USA Sun., Jan. 12 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
4 Blue Mountain – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Jan. 15 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
5 Holiday Valley, USA Sat., Jan. 18 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
6 Craigleith – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Jan 22 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
7 Holiday Valley, USA Sun., Jan. 26 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
8 Osler Ski Club – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Jan. 29 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
9 Holiday Valley, USA – 90th anniversary celebration Sat., Feb. 1 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
10 Holiday Valley, USA – Cabin Fever Day – Book by Saturday 7 pm Tue., Feb. 4 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
11 Alpine Ski Club – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Feb. 5 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
12 Holiday Valley, USA – Superbowl Sunday Sun., Feb. 9 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
13 Osler Bluff Ski Club – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Feb. 12 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
14 Bristol Mountain – Extended Day (dinner/night skiing) Sat., Feb. 15 7:00 AM 8:00 PM
15 Holiday Valley, USA – Family Day – Book by Thursday 7 pm Mon., Feb. 17 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
16 Devil’s Glen – Book by Tuesday 7 pm Fri., Feb. 21 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
17 Holiday Valley, USA  Sun., Feb. 23 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
18 Holimont, USA – Book by Sunday 7 pm Wed., Feb. 26 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
19 Kissing Bridge, USA – Sloppy Slalom or Sloppy Scavenger Sat., Mar. 1 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
20 Mount St. Louis Moonstone Sun., Mar. 2 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
21 Georgian Peaks – Book by Monday 7 pm Thurs., Mar. 6 7:00 AM 4:30 PM
22 Holiday Valley, USA – Mardi Gras – HV Costume contest Sun., Mar. 9 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
23 Holiday Valley, USA – Cabin Fever Day – Book by Monday 7 pm
Thur., Mar. 13 7:00 AM 5:00 PM
24 Devil’s Glen – Book by Tuesday 7 pm
Fri., Mar. 14 7:00 AM 4:30 PM

**Day trip schedule is subject to change at any time to offer our members the best club skiing opportunities.

Day Trips – Policies and Procedures

  1. Bus Costs and lift tickets are payable online in Canadian funds.
  2. Only members and guests will be allowed on the bus, if they have pre-registered and prepaid on-line. Individuals 17 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult member (over age 18). No last-minute walk-ons are allowed and there will be no cash transactions on the bus.
  3. A member must register their guests online and pay bus and lift costs when booking their day trip. You want to make sure your guests are committed to showing up as you are responsible for the cost of their bus seats (and lift tickets, if pre-purchased). Note: Guests are allowed to join day trips 2 times before they are required to become a member.
  4. When you book your trip online, indicate in the comments box if you would like to be on the same bus as another member.  Provide their name and membership number if possible. Also include other comments, e.g. I’m driving and will meet the bus at the ski resort.
  5. It is your responsibility to cancel the day trip booking, if you are unable to attend. (refer to cancellation policy for details).
  6. You must remain on the same bus you are assigned and occupy the same seat on the bus for the return trip. No exceptions please.
  7. The Bus captain will announce any special instructions specific for each resort before members disembark, upon arrival at the resort. (i.e., designated area for our group to change, lunch protocols/ reservations, etc.).
  8. U-drive option: You can drive on your own and meet us at the ski resort but you must pre-register/lift ticket paid before the booking deadline. Please indicate in the comments box, that you are meeting the bus at the ski resort.
    U-drives must meet the bus promptly at the ski resort to pick up their group lift ticket(s).

Please respect your fellow members and guests who wish for privacy and refrain from taking their photos without their consent.

How to Book for a Day Trip:

The booking deadline is 7:00 pm Wednesday for  Saturday and Sunday day trips. For mid-week day trips the booking deadline is at 7:00 pm on the days noted in the day trip schedule.

To book a day trip go to the Day Trip Schedule and click on the “Book a Day Trip” button as they become available. On the Day Trip Booking page carefully read the instructions and then select the destination you want to go to.  Follow the instructions.

For any technical issues or help utilizing the online booking, please contact our website administrator directly with specific details: skicedarsprings@gmail.com

Spaces on the bus for day trips are limited and available on a first-come basis. It is strongly recommended you register hours before the deadline, to ensure you have a spot on the day trip bus. As the bus(es) are pre-booked, we may have limited space on some day trips.

Cancellation and “No Show” Policy
It is your responsibility to cancel if you are unable to attend the day trip.
To cancel reply to your day trip booking details email advising that you wish to cancel. This email contains all the information needed to provide you with a refund in a timely manner, less any penalties as per club policy outlined below.

Prior to the day trip booking deadline (per schedule) 100% bus cost

100% lift cost

After the day trip booking deadline (per schedule) Bus cost non-refundable

Lift ticket less any cost incurred by club (ie: cabin fever tickets are pre-purchased and non-refundable)

No Show – no cancellation call



Bus cost non-refundable

Lift ticket less cost incurred as above plus a $5 penalty. (ie: cabin fever tickets are pre-purchased and non-refundable)

Burlington Departure Time:

Buses depart from and return to the Guelph Line Carpool Parking, North Service Road at Guelph Line and QEW in Burlington. The bus will be parked in the southwest corner of the parking lot.
Buses depart promptly at 7:00 am except as noted on our schedule. Arrive early enough to give yourself time to park, stow your gear and get seated on the bus. When more than 1 bus arrives, please check with the Bus Captain for your bus assignment. Please note on weekdays the parking lot can get very congested, arrive extra early to get yourself a parking spot and carpool where possible.

Return Departure Time:
Buses depart the resorts for the return trip to Burlington as noted on the Day Trip schedule. You must return on the same bus as you departed on and occupy the same seat on the bus for the return trip. No exceptions please.

What to bring on a day trip:

  • Mandatory – Valid identification for you, your family and your guests, for all trips as destinations can be changed due to weather or snow conditions.
  • Membership card.
  • Proof of appropriate medical insurance.
  • Skis/snowboard, and poles must be packed in a ski bag placed under the bus.
  • Ski/snowboard boots may be taken inside the bus, if they are in a bag and  fit under your seat.
  • Extra mitts/gloves, clothes in case it is colder than expected.
  • Anything else you consider essential.
  • Smiles

U.S. Border Crossing Information

Cedar Springs Ski Club Inc. includes U.S. resort destinations on the trip schedule. All members and their guests must have the necessary documentation required to cross the border into the U.S. and to return to Canada. Cedar Springs Ski Club Inc. accepts no responsibility for members and their guests who are unable to cross the border due to lack of sufficient documentation.

Please be responsible and check the documentation required for either Canadian citizens or Non-Canadian citizens in advance, and also check what food items you can bring into the United States for personal use, (to avoid delays and/or penalties), reference https://www.cbp.gov/travel

A valid PASSPORT (recommended) or Enhanced Driver’s License or NEXUS Card. Your regular driver’s license is not deemed suitable identification.
Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult, parent or guardian and must have requisite documentation. Reference: Children and travel – Travel.gc.ca

Without proper documentation, we request that you do not board the bus in Burlington.

What You Can’t Bring Across the Border:

The following are restricted items that may NOT be taken into the U.S.A. because they may carry animal and plant pests and diseases: meat, fruit, vegetables, plants, soil and products made from animal or plant materials. Be aware that these items may be confiscated by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection upon your entry into the U.S.A.  Please respect this restriction when planning to bring lunches or snacks to U.S. ski resort destinations, as the confiscation of items will delay the entire trip and limit our time on the slopes.
For additional information please refer to:  https://www.dontpackapest.com/

For all U.S. destinations:

  • Bus fees and lift tickets are payable online in Canadian funds when booking for the trip. It is recommended you bring U.S. currency should you wish to purchase food and beverages at the resort.
  • On the bus, all members and guests must have their ID/documentation on them, not in their luggage.  This will minimize delays at the border.
  • When arriving at the border please listen to the bus captain.  Please be quiet while documentation is being checked by Customs officials.  Only speak if you are asked by the Customs officials.  This will minimize delays at the border and get us all on the slopes sooner.
  • All children must have appropriate identification including letters of authorization signed by a parent or guardian.
  • The Ontario Health Insurance Plan is limited and does not cover the full cost of accidents in the U.S.  It is recommended when traveling that you have additional out of country medical insurance.  This may be available through the benefits plan at your place of employment.  It is also available through most financial institutions or CAA.

Please be sure that you read, understand, and agree to the above policies and procedures before booking a day trip.